Our friendly whale was abandoned by his creator so he became a Killa Whale. Now he's on a mission to hunt him down... and make him regret ever leaving him. Join in on his mission to the moon. It's going to get bloody
Our friendly whale was abandoned by his creator so he became a Killa Whale. Now he's on a mission to hunt him down... and make him regret ever leaving him. Join in on his mission to the moon. It's going to get bloody
You can use the CA address to swap on SUI Dex's OR Aggregator's
On a dark night, KILLA's creator was sleeping peacefully in his Caribbean villa, enjoying the comfort of his stolen millions when he saw a notification on his phone - all his assets were being transferred to an unknown wallet. He rushed to his computer in panic but found only a KILLA logo on the screen.
A few days later, The Creator's villa was found empty, and he was never heard from again. Some say he was found by the vengeful KILLA community, while others believe he's living under a new identity in another country.
Buy TokenHow To Get Started
You can easily buy by following these steps
Download Sui Wallet, Surf wallet, or wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users can also download the Google Chrome plugin.
Use SimpleSwap to exchange SOL or ETH for SUI. Send SUI to your wallet address. simpleswap.io